Gov. Bill Walker's pick for Attorney General says he will review litigation over same-sex marriage strictly on is constitutionality. He says he will also review National Guard matters to ensure misbehavior was prosecuted, and former Governor Sean Parnell shared public records diligently.
A bill that would keep the U.S. Coast Guard in operations has passed the U.S. House of Representatives and now goes to the Senate. The bill includes directives to the USCG to develop a plan for icebreakers, and determine whether it makes more sense to lease or to buy icebreakers. It is also to work with other agencies to improve monitoring of maritime traffic in Arctic waters.
After Bill Walker and Byron Mallott were sworn in as Governor and Lt. Gov., they were welcomed by the Alaska Native community in Juneau. Central Council of Tlingit and Haida President said Natives are usually a minority so he appreciated how many Natives were included in the transition teams. Mallott, a Tlingit Indian from Yakutat, danced with other tribal members at the end of the reception.