KNBA presents a radio series: Climate Change and Alaska Natives, broadcast December 8-12, 2014 during KNBA Morning News at 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. The five-part series builds on our past climate change coverage.
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The focus of the series is on the effects of climate change on Alaska Native homelands, and the traditional practice of gathering and sharing food from the land and sea.
The series explains how climate change is having more profound effects in Alaska and the Arctic than in other parts of the planet. For example, less sea ice cover in Arctic waters off Alaska is increasing the impact of fall storms on coastal communities. The storms are eroding the land and threatening infrastructure to the extent several communities need to relocate, but agencies are finding it hard to help make that happen. Warmer, drier weather is contributing to increased health problems, including injuries and respiratory disease. Melting permafrost is undermining roads, homes, and other infrastructure. Communities are developing adaptation strategies, and seeking aid from agencies.
Support for climate change reporting on KNBA News comes from The Alaska Native Fund, working to advance Alaska Native priorities for protecting our land and sustaining our ways of life.