As our climate changes around us, the unusual is becoming more frequent.Whether it be shorter snow seasons, intense wildfires, or most recently-- storms…
With a poor start for ice forming in northern Alaska waters this season, the latest climate forecasts predict sea ice may not reach Western Alaska until…
Nov. 18, 2015Association of Village Council Presidents announces plan to create dozens of tribal courts in Y-K regionBy Anna Rose McArthur, KYUK-BethelAn…
Aug. 18, 2015Arctic offshore drilling gets federal approvalThe federal government has given Royal Dutch Shell the final permit it needs to drill for oil…
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management okays Shell exploration planThe Bureau of Ocean Energy Management yesterday approved Shell's exploration plan for the…
Legislators debate states’ rights and constitutionality of a state law to seize federal landsMonday, legislators voted on a controversial bill that would…
Shell one step closer to developing up to 4 billion barrels of oilA federal agency has removed a roadblock to offshore drilling in Arctic waters this…
Climate change and Alaska Natives: Shores bare of sea ice expose Kivalina to fierce fall stormsBy JoaqlinEstusHere’s the first in a series of stories on…
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is considering designating some 35,000 square miles of ocean in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas…
Due to shrinking and disappearing sea ice caused by climate change, tens of thousands of Pacific walrus have hauled out on shore near Pt. Lay, a village…