United Way of Anchorage Lead Healthcare Navigator Jane Straight was our guest today on Morning Line. She says Navigators are federally certified helpers…
KNBA News - Legislative Information Office lawsuit stirs accusations of waste, government corruptionBy Zachariah Hughes, APRN – AnchorageThe State court heard oral arguments yesterday [Wed., Dec. 16, 2015] in a case involving the contentious lease of the…
KNBA News - State witnesses testify in Fbks 4 case; Alaska has nation's most costly health insuranceState witnesses take the stand in Fairbanks Four caseBy Dan Bross, KUAC – FairbanksThe state has begun calling witnesses in the Fairbanks Four evidentiary…
Twice as many Alaskans enrolled for health insurance as last monthThe federal government said about 16 thousand Alaskans have signed up for health…
KYUK's Daysha Eaton reports Native American Rights Fund attorneys representing Yup'ik and Gwitchin speakers have responded to the state's plan for…
The Indian Health Service has agree to pay $153 million to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium to clear up a 15-year backlog of underpayments for…
One of two newscasts today - The Alaska Democratic Party wrapped up its statewide convention in Nome on Sunday, having endorsed incumbent U.S. Sen. Mark…