Diamond Dar
Community Advisory Board MemberDarlene Kawennano:ron Johnson, is Diamond Dar. Born to the Turtle Clan, she is a member of the Kahnawake/Akwesasne Mohawk Nation. She is a graduate of both California State University, Northridge and Arizona State University.
While in Arizona, she produced and hosted the same show on KRSX-FM Phoenix/Globe, a mix of contemporary Indigenous and First Nations music along with interviews, silly segments such as “How’d Ya Get That Scar, Chief?”; “Pow Wow Highway”; and “Happy Trails” similar to Jay Leno’s “Jay Walking.” She found her passion and voice providing mainstream airtime and cross-over opportunities to a host of AWESOME musicians, bands, and artists!
She is heavily involved in community including the Community Advisory Board (CAB) of KNBA. Serves as Board President for the Alaska Mental Health Consumer Web; hosts two community Meetup groups at the Loussac Library, “Heck Yeah! It’s Time to Start My Own Business” (4th Thursday of the month) and the “Amateur Filmmakers of Alaska” (1st and 3rd Saturday of the month).
She keeps herself busy as Community Rehabilitation Provider (CRP) for DVR/TVR, an educator for the Anchorage School District, a small business facilitator and consultant, and career development counselor. She is the principle owner of Eagle Vision Consulting where your passion is her passion; the founder and president of the Alaska Geotourism Alliance, a membership organization dedicated to sustaining Alaska’s tourism businesses; and the owner operator of Diamond Dar’s Alaska Adventures. In her leisure time, she takes advantage of Alaska’s splendor and beauty as a photographer, artist, and filmmaker.