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KNBA News: Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Drew Michael is known for his mix of traditional and modern styles of carving masks, an art that he loves to share with others.
Photo courtesy of Alaska Public Media.
Drew Michael is known for his mix of traditional and modern styles of carving masks, an art that he loves to share with others.

KNBA's Top Stories:

Jake Hawk says he's known as "Native Santa," not just for his Lingít and Haida heritage, but for bringing a Native flair to the job.
Photo by Rhonda McBride
Jake Hawk says he's known as "Native Santa," not just for his Lingít and Haida heritage, but for bringing a Native flair to the job.

  • Surprise! Santa wears a Yup'ik qaspeq, sits elders on his lap for photos and seems to know what's on the hearts of Native children.
  • Drew Michael, a Yup'ik and Inupiaq mask carver, is paying it forward, sharing his knowledge with a new generation of carvers.