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3/5/13 U.S. Sen. Mark Begich talks with Legislators about deep-water ports, education, and voting rights; Two health officials speak in favor of expansion of Medicaid

Anchorage, AK – U.S. Sen. Begich supports increased spending on public education, more opportunities for early childhood education and $2 billion for port construction, which a bill he's sponsoring would meet with a $3 billion match. He said the state is making it harder for Alaskans to vote, when there's no evidence of voter fraud.
Health officials say people with insurance are covering the cost of health care for people without it, and Medicaid expansion would remedy that, plus bring a big boost to Alaska's economy. Gov. Sean Parnell has rejected federal funding to expand Medicaid, saying given the federal fiscal situation, the state could be left to pay the tab.

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