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12/18/14 - Federal natural gas pipeline project office to close

Congress leaves federal pipeline coordinator's office unfunded

The office of the federal coordinator for Alaska gas pipeline projects is shutting down. Federal coordinator Larry Persily says the office was not funded in the budget passed by Congress last week. The office was created in 2004 to help advance an Alaska gas pipeline project that would serve North American markets. That project, however, was scrapped amid market changes.

A liquified natural gas pipeline that would be capable of overseas exports is being pursued now.


Industrial road to Ambler may fall along with price of oil

As KUAC's Emily Schwing reports, with the state losing revenues due to the dropping price of oil, Gov. BIll Walker cut $8 million from the state budget for planning for a road to the Ambler district, an area rich with copper, lead, zinc, silver, and gold. A proponent for access, Nova Copper, says a mine could provide work for generations. The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) does have funding through June 2015, and will continue working to develop an environmental impact statement for the project. The state has put $26 million into feasibility and other studies for the road. At a meeting of tribal and village representatives in Fairbanks, the majority of attendees said more studies on research is needed on the environmental and cultural impacts of the proposed road.


Veterinarians offer free spay, neuter services in two villages

A nonprofit veterinary organization it will be providing free spay and neuter services in two villages in the Yukon-Kuskokwim region. It's too costly to fly the dogs to receive care, and no veterinarians live in the villages.