As KSKA's Ann Hillman reports, about 90 people attended a Regulatory Commission of Alaska meeting to ask it to reconsider its decision to approve Enstar's request for a 50% price increase for natural gas.
The Kuskokwim Salmon Management Working Group has asked the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to stop all commercial fishing on the River and in Kuskokwim Bay. The group of stakeholders, who advise fisheries managers, say the numbers of fish returning to spawn are so low, every fish is precious. And, they say subsistence needs have not been met. The state says if there is a harvestable surplus, it would be a disservice to commercial fishermen not to provide a harvesting opportunity.
Canadian officials have given provisional approval to a controversial open-pit copper, silver, gold and molybdenum mine planned for an area northeast of Ketchikan, saying it is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. The mine is expected to generate some 2-billion tons of mining tailings, or rocks left over after valuable minerals have been removed. Several fishing, tribal, and environmental groups in Alaska are concerned tailings run-off into Alaskan waters will damage salmon and other fish. The public comment period on the 33,000-page document is open until August 20.