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Volunteer at KNBA

DJ Training and Volunteer Work Desk are ‘on hold’ until new facilities are operational in mid to late 2020

Volunteer DJ Training          

KNBA uses ‘Tiered’ training to approve community DJ’s who can learn to operate our programming and advance to pitch their own show ideas. Community DJ’s learn about KNBA’s programming structure, basic radio programming theories, system operations and on-site procedures & policy. 

A limited pool of trained, Tier 3 DJ’s have the authority to routinely ‘sign-up’ for on-air shifts where they will DJ KNBA’s regular music playlist weekdays between 12:00 noon and 3:00 pm.

KNBA has a small number of time-slots on the broadcast schedule for independently produced specialty music programs. Tier 3 DJ’s may pitch ideas to produce and host their own show as time-slots become available.

These opportunities are strictly volunteer and can cease at the Director of Programming’s discretion.  Volunteers are supervised by the Director of Programming.  Requirements and general responsibilities are described in an Agreement signed by the volunteer. Training sessions are offered when the pool of DJ’s needs to be supplemented.  Announcements for new trainees and training dates are made on-line and on-air.

Volunteer DJ’s

Tier One:  Learning the equipment and procedures to DJ on the radio. You’ll be a “Ghost Board” operator for at least three, 1-3-hour shifts. With a staff DJ present, you’ll have hands-on operation of our live programming (without having to talk on-air). You learn the control board, equipment, radio strategies, and studio procedures.

Tier Two:  On your own. With staff close by, you operate the equipment, broadcast schedule and live announcing! Choose a day during the mid-day shift (M-Th, 12noon – 3:00pm) to be the DJ sharing the KNBA music playlists.  An advancing volunteer will have confidence they can operate the station on their own. They will show an understanding of radio programming practices, studio equipment operations, and quality announcing techniques.

Tier Three:  You’re now in the DJ 'pool' and can sign-up any time to DJ the 12noon – 3:00pm mid-day shift. Tier Three DJ’s are also approved to share their own music selections during the shifts. Tier Three’s may also request to host their own independent program, as openings exist, and you’re available to be on-call fill-in for the Morning Show or Afternoon Drive time programming.

Volunteer Program Host

Volunteer Program Hosts have their own weekly program. They are treated as independent program producers. A volunteer Host is expected to be live at the KNBA studio to host their radio show every week. A VPH is approved based on their commitment and knowledge of the content within their proposed program idea. The VPH has gone through training and is an approved Tier 3 operator. Volunteer Program Hosts sign an agreement which provides guidelines, rules, and responsibilities.  Open spots on the broadcast schedule are not always available.

Current Status: (Training sessions on hold)

Other Volunteer opportunities at KNBA

  • Annual KBC Art Auction                                                 (Active March/April)
  • KNBA Volunteer Desk                                                     (On Hold)
    • Managing the PSA calendar                        
    • Music Library data entry
    • Recording community ‘sweepers’

Art Auction Volunteers - contact Cindy Hector

DJ and Volunteer Desk - contact Loren Dixon 

Loren’s been on the Radio in Anchorage for 30 years. Since the mid 80's he's worked with Anchorage radio stations including KWHL, KFQD, KKLV, and KMXS. His passion for Music and the 'Triple-A' radio format began in the early 90’s which led to him to help establish the format for KNBA when the station signed on in 1996. When not on the radio hosting a music show and interviewing local and national music acts, he may be on a long road trip or you’ll find him hanging out at his log cabin in the quiet, but bear filled hillside valley of his hometown Anchorage.